
Thank you for using this website,, which is a non-official website. Nothing is being sold or promoted to the users. The purpose of this calculation tool is for you to travel without fear of the consequences of OVERSTAYING, like getting fined or banned!! This website can also be used in all countries other than the Schengen area where “90/180 day rule” exist.

The difference between this calculation tool among the other Schengen Calculators is that the users get precise and complete information as a result of their calculations in many languages!

This website was made solely for the people who need this service. With this website it is intended to provide a fail-proof and easy to use calculation tool without any hidden agenda.

One can not buy a visa or any information about getting a visa from this site. If you are in need of this kind of help and information, it is recommended you apply to the embassies / consulates of the country you wish to travel to in your region. You may also check out their official websites for more information. This website can not help you receive a visa or solve a problem you may have about visas in general.

Wish you all safe travels.